As we think about business migration to another country then we must think how best to approach it.
We at EDI Global Education, always conduct initial assessment about applicant’s interest to choose investing to either Australia, Canada or other country through qualified and registered migration agents and lawyers from Australia and Canada with whom we have representation and initial counselling authority.
Business Migrtion
Business migration is not just investment capabilities applicant has but need to comply with respective country’s requirement of business migration this may include but not limited to experience to lead, innovative business ideas, previous experience as business person in home country, business revenue history, personal and family history, social circumstances and many more.
Please contact our nearby office for genuine, authentic and updated advises and counselling for your Business migration or other possible options.
Alternatively, you may contact us through email by submitting expression of interest with latest resume so our qualified business migration agent can assess your profile and advise the possible outcome.