UK Education System- Recognized around the world as a world-class system, the UK’s education system is comprehensive and adaptable. This section also has vital information on how to enter programs in the UK such as GCSE, A-Levels, and degree programs.
Financial Aid for the UK- Financing an international education is the greatest barrier for most international students. This section helps students learn about sources of funds including scholarships and loans, as well as other practical financial topics like tuition costs and budgeting.
Studying/Living in the UK- What is it like to live in the UK? What is the climate like? What is the public transport system like? All these questions about the UK are answered and more, with a focus on the information that international students need most.
After Graduation-Once you have graduated, what do you do? International graduates from the UK have a variety of options from looking for work, to continuing their education in a graduate program, to returning back to their home country with their new skills and knowledge.
Entrance to take your GCSE’s will depend very much on the school with which you are attending as you will generally need to register with a school for your GCSE education years (14 to 16 years old). Apart from the school’s requirements, the main requirement by the exams boards in the UK is that you have a good level of English ability as the exams will be taken in English – see English requirements above.
Like with GCSE’s it will be very dependent on the school you wish to attend as to what the requirements are to study A-levels there. For example, a 6th Form College may require that you have at least 5 GCSE pass grades of C or above, compare this to an independent school that may require 10 GCSE pass grades of B or above. So this will be very much dependent on the school.
You also need to consider that A-levels are a much higher level of work and so a very good understanding of the English language will be needed to work at this level. Some people say that A-levels are harder than most degrees programs as they prepare you for higher education.
Each course in the UK sets it own entry, so they vary considerably. Most degree programs in the UK will require that the student have passed either A-levels and attained certain grades, for example, 4 B grades, or equivalent grades in a BTEC or GNVQ. So within a university different courses will have different requirements and universities as a whole may have certain requirements that all students will have to meet. For example, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge generally require all students to attend an interview, other universities will not require this.
Also, as an international student coming to the UK you can still attend University even though you may not have taken A-levels and have not been educated in the UK system, but you will need to contact the administrator of that program to find out what credentials from your home country you will need to provide.
So, how do you keep track of what is required for a course, and how do you apply? In the UK, this is done through the University and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS) which processes and takes all applications for university admission in the UK.
If you’re interested in studying abroad in UK, you can contact us at EDI Global Education today. Our EDI specialists can help you enroll at one of the many prestigious universities in the UK.
The above information is provided for general guidelines only and always varies depending on educational institute & government policies and may not contain updated information at the time of any reader reviews. We strongly advise following the government official website and approved sources to get the latest information. Alternatively please contact us at any of the EDI Global offices or by below email to find out the latest and updated information.
Depending on what program you are looking at, the entry requirements will vary for international students. Although this page will provide you with some useful information with which to arm yourself about what is needed to gain entry into UK courses, you should inquire specifically about any course that you are considering.
What you will find in common throughout all courses and schools is that you will need to show competency in the English language.
English Language- For most schools and courses, your level of understanding and competency in English will be key to your acceptance in a major program such as a degree program. You will need to make sure you have a good level of English understanding and you can do this by taking one of the following commonly accepted tests of English ability:
If you need assistance with locating an English as a Second Language school (ESL School) please see the ESL directory for a comprehensive listing of schools around the world.